How to Choose a PR Firm
Maximize Your $$$ Spent on PR! If you find that your PR firm doesn’t understand your practice or the culture in your firm, you’ll likely be very frustrated. At some point in time, you’ll find yourself asking “Why do I always end up substantially changing their work? Why do I have to teach them [...]
How to Get an E-Newsletter Up and Running without Losing Your Mind!
E-newsletters can be an effective business development tool - but getting started can be a challenge. How can an e-newsletter be beneficial to your firm’s marketing efforts? What must be done for your firm to create a successful newsletter? What about the database? Here is an edited Q&A session from "Big News for Small Firms," The [...]
Article: How to Get an E-Newsletter Up & Running without Losing Your Mind!
E-newsletters can be an effective business development tool - but getting started can be a challenge. Here is an edited Q&A session with marketing guru Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A. exploring the issues: Q. Some of our professionals think an e-newsletter would be a great idea, while others think no one will read it. Which [...]
Article – How to Select a Marketing Consultant
Key Questions for Screening For years, professional services firms have utilized outside marketing consultants to assist in their marketing efforts. Many of these consultants have performed exceptionally and added tremendous value to their clients’ marketing efforts. However, some of these consultants have not performed as well, leaving an unfavorable impression for any future consultants. [...]
How to Select a
Marketing Consultant
Key Questions for Screening If you're searching for a qualified marketing consultant, it can be frustrating. While some consultants perform exceptionally well and add tremendous value, the vast majority who call themselves "marketing consultants" are massively underqualified (many cannot even properly define the term "marketing!"). Searching Google provides a wild array of hundreds of [...]
How to Market Your Business Regularly to Clients & Prospects?
Our latest issue of “Marketing Strategies” has just been published. Topic: "How to Market Your Business Regularly to Clients & Prospects?" Excerpt: • Are you looking for a system to regularly communicate to your customers, prospects and key contacts? • Are you frustrated that your target market lacks awareness of your branding and services? • [...]
How to Market Your Firm
Regularly to Clients & Prospects?
The power of a “Digital Communications System” Are you looking for a system to regularly communicate to your clients, prospects and key contacts? Are you frustrated that your target market lacks awareness of your branding and services? Do you have great client and prospects lists - but don’t have an effective method to keep [...]
Marketing Strategies – Want to Grow Your Firm in 2024
Our latest issue of “Marketing Strategies” has just been published. Topic: "Want to Grow Your Firm in 2024?" Excerpt: Far too many firms jump into the marketing process without a clear vision and understanding of what they want to achieve and how they are going to accomplish it. Strategic marketing planning is the single most [...]
Marketing Strategies – 20 Signs That Your Website Needs Updating
Our latest issue of “Marketing Strategies” has just been published. Topic: "20 Signs That Your Website Needs Updating" Excerpt: You might have suspected that your website needs work. Here are a few questions to consider in your evaluation ... Read this newsletter