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Strategic Marketing Planning:


What you need to know for 2021

Strategic Marketing Plan

"Uncertainty" has been a keyword for 2020 -- yet how certain is 2021? Marketing planning has likely never been needed more for your firm than it is now!

When the economy is roaring, it can seem that planning is easy. But when times are tough and uncertain, it is far more important to plan for contingencies, budgeting and obtainable results!

You may have heard of your colleagues that had to "close shop" or join another firm in order to survive in 2020. You know that you need to avoid this scenario but aren't sure exactly what to do to stay out of it. So, what marketing steps can your firm do to help make it a success?

If your firm is interested in planning for success in 2021, contact us about our Strategic Marketing Plans. We can meet with you in December, or January if needed, to develop a comprehensive marketing plan to help launch your successful efforts next year!

In the meantime, here are five tips to help get your firm on the right track for 2021:

1. Make marketing a top priority

Marketing is your firm's lifeline to survival; without it, a firm will likely eventually shrink and die. Through marketing, your firm can reach new clients and achieve additional revenues from existing and previous clients. Realize that marketing is an investment, not just an expense. Commit to doing it regularly.

2. Develop a Strategic Marketing Plan

Most firms that have long-term success take the time to plan. It is important to realize that there is no such thing as an effective "canned marketing program" for all firms. A successful firm will have a "Strategic Marketing Plan" written specifically for its unique parameters. Hire a marketing consultant who specializes in serving law firms to research and prepare your plan. If you don't, you'll likely end up wasting time and money.

3. Allocate a committed budget to marketing

For marketing programs to be consistent and objective-oriented, they require an established budget. Discretionary budgets are devastating to the effectiveness of any marketing program. Don't cut your marketing budget — let your competition cut theirs. If your competitors cut back, your "share of market voice" grows even stronger.

4. Maintain consistency in marketing

Marketing programs should be consistent, year-round efforts because "stop-and-go" marketing always bring mixed results. This can be particularly difficult for smaller firms, since those attorneys involved in marketing activities also have significant client obligations. However, it is crucial to have consistent implementation, since this will maximize your efficiency and effectiveness. It is also easier to rate the productiveness of an activity if it is carried through to completion.

5. Outsource Your Marketing to Experts

Consider outsourcing your marketing needs to highly-qualified firms who are knowledgeable, efficient and productive. At Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting, we started this approach in 1991 and have been helping clients with their outsourcing needs ever since. For those who need regular support, we offer a "Part-Time Director of Marketing" service which allows outsourcing of all your marketing needs, avoiding the fixed payroll expense yet providing highly experienced, specialized strategic and implementation assistance (Click here for a detailed article on "How to Select a Marketing Consultant").

The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing (TM) - Founded 1991



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