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Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting
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October 2019

How to Select a
Marketing Consultant

Key Questions for Screening

How to Select a Marketing Consultant

For years, professional services firms have utilized outside marketing consultants to assist in their marketing efforts. Many of these consultants have performed exceptionally and added tremendous value to their clients' marketing efforts. However, some of these consultants have not performed as well, leaving an unfavorable impression for any future consultants. Why is this case?

Sometimes it is due to factors such as a lack of defined objectives, unreasonable expectations, a wavering marketing budget, inconsistent implementation, internal conflict within the firm, a lack of commitment, and a myriad of other reasons. Yet at other times, unfortunately, the underlying reason is that the consultant was not really competent for the job. For any profession, perceived competence is due to a combination of elements, which typically include education, breadth of experience, technical capabilities, work habits, client service skills, business and administrative structure. The bottom-line is whether they were able to complete the job satisfactorily.

To help screen out consultants who may not be the best match for your firm's marketing needs, here are five tips (READ FULL ARTICLE) ...


Contact Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting to discuss your marketing needs. Click here to learn more about our marketing strategy services.

Branding & Positioning

Service Profile of the Month


Do you have trouble setting your firm apart from the crowd? A key reason for your problems may be Branding and Positioning!

Branding is everything your firm does to communicate its brand in the marketplace. Rebranding is a marketing strategy with specific tools to develop a new, differentiated identity for your firm.

How Do We Help You?
Our goal is to develop superb marketing pieces that meet your needs, while limiting the use of your valuable time. Toward that end, Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting makes the process easy: We consult with you on strategy, research and write the content for marketing materials, manage all aspects of design, and handle final production/publishing.

End products/deliverables typically include:

  • Strategy: We define a client's unique attributes, assess their target markets, and develop branding and positioning strategies.
  • Client communication: It is critical to effectively and convincingly communicate branding to your clients and contacts.
  • Logos: We prepare designs based on your company's culture, desired image and targeted market.
  • Corporate image packages: We design all of your key pieces from stationery (electronic and/or print) to marketing collateral pieces (brochures, newsletters, etc.).
  • Advertising: We design ads to get results, whether your goal is to generate sales leads or build name recognition.
  • Website redesign/updates: We add tremendous value, gained through developing hundreds of sites.
  • Social media: We integrate consistent branding across all platforms.
  • Copywriting: We research and write materials specifically tailored for either firm-wide or practice area marketing.
  • E-newsletters, podcasts and all other forms of e-communication: We help to "get the word out" to all of your key contacts.
  • Internal communication and training: Your personnel need to not only buy-in to your rebranding but be excited about it! We provide training to personnel so that they can effectively communicate to clients about your "new brand."

Need Assistance?
With over 25 years of experience serving hundreds of firms, Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting has the expertise your firm needs. Contact us to discuss your needs and for an estimate.

Speaking Engagements

Does your organization need a speaker for an event in 2019-20? If so, contact us to see if Mr. Brown is available. Topics include:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Internet/Digital Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Branding
  • Advertising, Publicity and Public Relations

The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing (TM) - Founded 1991
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