Unsurpassed Marketing Vision™
Welcome To The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing™
Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting, “The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing™“, founded 1991, provides full-service marketing support for professional services firms, either as your “Part-Time Director of Marketing™” (outsourced marketing department) or Project-Oriented services (Marketing Planning & Analysis, Business Development, Branding & Positioning, Digital Marketing, Advertising & Marketing Materials, and Public Relations & Publicity).
Our firm serves professional services firms of all sizes (from solos to regional to national) across the country. We offer capabilities and credentials unsurpassed by few if any competitors across the country!
1. Specialization: We understand how to market professionals, from the smallest to the largest firms, as few others do! Our clients include some of California’s most well-known firms as well as many smaller firms. We also serve selected clients across the nation, who have come to us due to our reputation and expertise.
2. Professional Services Marketing Experience: Our marketing professionals have not only a formal education in marketing but also a background of over 30 years of in-house (including Director of Marketing at Deloitte) and consulting experience. As recognized experts in professional services marketing, our professionals have spoken at national conferences and authored over 100 articles for national and local publications.
3. Full Range of High-Quality Services: We offer virtually every marketing service that your firm might need. Our reputation is based upon delivering high-quality services with expertise, courtesy and professionalism. Our services include Outsourcing of Marketing Projects, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing Materials, Strategic Business Advisory Services and our unique “Part-Time Director of Marketing™” service. We offer virtually every marketing service that your firm might need.
4. Strategic Insight: The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing™ offers an unmatched ability to blend strategy with the selection of marketing tools. Our expertise is invaluable in helping you to chart a course, track progress, and make adjustments along the way.
5. Productive Approach: We have always operated on the basis of “A Business Approach to Marketing™.” We identify goals upfront and make sure that there is a strategy and business reasoning behind marketing actions.
6. Initiative: The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing™ makes your life easier by taking care of all the details. Our desire is to be actively involved in managing and implementing our clients’ marketing programs. For those clients who desire ongoing support, they hire us for our unique “Part-Time Director of Marketing™” service (which as far as we know, was the first firm in the U.S.A. to offer such a service).
Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting is widely recognized as the premier marketing firm in Southern California specializing in serving professional services firms. We understand how to market professionals, from the smallest to the largest firms, as few others do!
We serve:
- Lawyers
- CPAs
- Financial services firms
- Asset Management
- Investment Advisors
- Stockbrokers
- Insurance brokerages
- Banks
- Real estate professionals
- Environmental consultants
- Engineers
- Benefits consultants
- Human resources consultants
- Payroll
- Billing companies
- Staffing
- Management consultants
- IT/computer consultants
- Physicians
- Surgery centers
- Healthcare consultants
Our clients include some of California’s most well-known firms as well as many smaller firms. We also serve selected clients across the nation — work that has been gained due to our reputation and expertise. These companies typically have revenues from $1-100 million.
One of the key strengths of Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting is our unmatched ability to serve this array of professionals, since they all network with each other and want to know how to market their expertise to colleagues. Attorneys want referral relationships with CPAs. CPAs seek referrals from bankers. Financial advisors want a network of insurance agents, estate planners and accountants. The list goes on. At Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting, we have worked closely with all of these professionals for over 25 years. We know what they are looking for and how to market your practice.
Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A. worked at some of America’s most highly respected companies in commercial banking (Bank of America), mergers and acquisitions (Geneva) and public accounting (Deloitte). He has built relationships with top-end business professionals and knows what it takes to market your practice to other professionals, as well as to business owners and consumers.
Why Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting was Founded in 1991
In an interview with Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A., he explained why he formed his firm …
Specialists needed!
When I was Director of Marketing at Deloitte & Touche in Orange County, California (the largest professional services firm, by far, in the county), I saw a huge need for a full-service marketing firm that truly understood the needs of CPAs, lawyers and other professionals. Unfortunately, there was no such firm that we could find at the time.
In my position, I had the opportunity to interview the “best” public relations and advertising firms in the area. Unfortunately, I found that these firms didn’t come close to understanding the services offered by professional services firms, much less how to market us.
Marketing professionals needed!
Furthermore, no matter whom we interviewed, when we asked them a general question, such as “What is the best way to build our image in the marketplace?,” invariably their answer always came back to the product that they sold. They were just trying to pitch their product, not serve our needs! In other words, the advertising agencies’ answer was always “advertising!” and the PR firms’ answer was always “public relations!” None of them understood the full scope of marketing, so none could give advice that actually fit our situation — their advice was merely selling their own service. As a marketing professional, I knew that there were other answers, because marketing is the broadest business discipline and there are numerous techniques available, not just the limited services they were trying to pitch.
Strategists needed!
Eventually, we hired the “biggest and best” PR firm in Orange County. But all that we got was an “order taker” — since they didn’t understand our business, they rarely came up with ideas. They just did what we told them to do, as best they could. I also found that I constantly had to re-do their work. Again, since they didn’t understand a CPA firm, it was all “theory” to them. For every hour that they billed us, I had to spend an hour redoing their work. It was very frustrating. A key reason was because the PR and advertising companies were staffed by “journalism” and “communications” majors, not business or marketing majors. So they didn’t really understand how a business runs and how to help it, much less a professional services practice. No wonder they couldn’t develop good strategies!
Full-service needed!
So I saw that there was a major need for a marketing firm that could truly understand the intangibles of a professional services firm, then market it effectively. I also saw that there was a need for a “full-service” firm that could offer the entire range of marketing services that a professional services firm might need. Finally, I thought that since there were part-time CFOs who saved companies the full-time cost of a highly qualified employee, why not have a part-time marketing director?
I did some research and couldn’t find another firm in the nation that was doing what my business would do. This was a risk but I felt sure that it would work! So, in 1991, I ventured out with Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting. From the beginning, I developed many new, innovative concepts and techniques that are proprietary to my firm. From the day that I opened my doors, I started with serving Deloitte & Touche and premier law firms, banks, insurance brokerages, investment bankers and financial services firms. Law firms quickly became my biggest base of clients because of their need for professional marketing assistance. There was (and is) an obvious need for my firm’s services!
From the outset of my firm, I developed the slogan “The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing™”. We feel that we can serve those markets as well or better than anyone. I also developed the unique term “Part-Time Director of Marketing™” for our service — as far as I know, mine was the first firm in the U.S.A. to offer this service.
Now, over 25 years later, we’ve served hundreds of satisfied clients. We’ve been richly blessed and look forward to continuing serving our wonderful clients. We thank you for your business!”
You may know what it is like: You meet with someone from a “marketing” firm who tries to push their product on you, instead of listening to your needs — and then you find out that the firm really isn’t full-service but actually just sells a limited range of marketing services. How frustrating!
I can totally relate — when I was Director of Marketing at Deloitte in Orange County, California, I had the opportunity to interview the “best” public relations and advertising firms in the area. No matter whom we interviewed, when we asked them a general question, such as “What is the best way to build our image in the marketplace?” invariably their answer always came back to the product/service that they sold. They were just trying to pitch their product, not serve our needs! In other words, the advertising agencies’ answer was always “advertising!” and the PR firms’ answer was always “public relations!”
So, I saw a huge need for a full-service marketing firm that truly understood the needs of CPAs, lawyers and other professionals. My firm was formed in 1991 to do so and we continue as a full-service marketing firm to this day.
What a full-service marketing firm can do for you
Since marketing is the broadest business discipline, there are numerous techniques available. Each has its own attributes and drawbacks. So, which is best for your situation? So, which is best for your needs? You need to work with a firm that can guide you in selecting what is best and expertly provide the highest quality across a broad range of services.
Even if your need may be limited to a project, such as website development, you will be far better off working with a professional that understands marketing strategy (so that your website incorporates effective branding, targeted marketing, etc.).
At Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting, we offer virtually every marketing service that your firm might need, including: Outsourcing of Marketing Projects, Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing Materials, Strategic Business Advisory Services and our unique “Part-Time Director of Marketing™”. All services are directed by Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A., a nationally-recognized expert with over 25 years of experience.
How to select a full-service marketing firm:
First of all, a truly full-service firm will have the credentials to offer those services. Are they truly marketing consultants or are they no more than a public relations firm or advertising agency or website development company? Most qualified marketing professionals have degrees in marketing, not communications, and many have graduate degrees such as an M.B.A.. They should also have experience in all areas of marketing, which enables them to select and integrate those marketing components that will work best for your needs.
Watch out for the PR and advertising agencies that call themselves “full service” and may even list a range of marketing services. Around 99% of the time they are staffed by “journalism” and “communications” majors, not business or marketing majors. So they didn’t really understand how a business runs and how to help it, much less a professional services practice.
Second, the firm needs to have a track record of providing full-service capabilities. Check out the firm’s reputation. Ask them what they have done for similar firms, including strategies and results. Then check with these clients and ask for their impressions.
Third, the firm needs to understand strategic planning and to be able to provide valuable guidance. Ask whether they create strategies, implement them, or both. Singular marketing activities are most effective when they are part of an overall strategic plan. Yet a great plan is less useful unless a knowledgeable person actively implements it. The most valuable consultants are able to properly analyze your business and market, develop an appropriate plan with objectives and strategies,
Fourth, the firm’s services should not only be a full-range but also of the highest quality. Ask for examples of all the services that you may need. The firm’s reputation and length of time in business will be a great testimony to its ability to provide a full range of services. For example, my firm’s “Part-Time Director of Marketing™” service, which was the first in the U.S.A. to offer this service, is built upon the foundation of being able to fully provide a complete range of marketing expertise.
Fifth, choose a firm that specializes in marketing for professionals (lawyers, CPA, financial services, etc.). Why pay for a generalist when you can have someone who truly understands your market and how to motivate potential clients? We feel that we can serve those markets as well or better than anyone
Interview with Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A. …
Nationally Recognized Expertise, Big Firm Experience — All Available for the Small- to Mid-Size Firm!
Q. Mr. Brown, thank you for this opportunity to interview you. You are recognized as a pioneer and leading-edge expert in the field of professional services marketing. You’ve also authored over 100 published articles for national and local publications, and speak regularly to organizations. Your firm, Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting, is widely recognized as the premier marketing firm in Southern California specializing in serving professional services firms. What makes your firm so successful?
A. In a nutshell, we understand how to market professionals, from the smallest to the largest firms, as few others do!
Q.What caused you to start your own firm?
A. When I was Director of Marketing at Deloitte in Orange County, California, I saw a great opportunity to start my own marketing firm. So, three key market needs drove the formation of Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting back in 1991. First, lawyers, CPAs and other professional services firms needed a firm specializing in their unique needs. Second, a truly full-service marketing firm was needed, especially vs. the limited services of PR firms, advertising agencies, graphic designers and sales trainers. Third, we were the first firm in the U.S.A. (as far as we know) to offer a “Part-Time Director of Marketing™” service, aimed at offering high-level expertise at an affordable rate to firms of all sizes.
When I started the firm with these concepts, it was quite unusual, and mine was the only full-services marketing firm in Orange County specializing in professionals. The concept was so unusual nationwide, in fact, that I trademarked the term “The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing™.”
Q. Tell us about your previous jobs and education.
A. Deloitte was a fantastic opportunity. I worked with some of the best CPAs around, really bright people, and a managing partner who was very entrepreneurial. Prior to Deloitte, I worked in investment banking as a nationwide strategic consultant for companies who needed strategic business plans developed to help them increase their business’ value for future sale. Prior to that, I worked as a corporate banking officer in commercial banking with Bank of America, serving clients with loans from $1-200 million. I earned my M.B.A. degree in marketing from California State University, Fullerton and a B.S. in economics and management from the University of California, Riverside.
Q. How did your previous experience help you in forming your firm and serving your clients?
A. My education and experience set the stage perfectly for my firm’s services. My business expertise has always been critical to the success of my firm. I’m a businessman with expertise in marketing, not just a public relations specialists or graphic designer who thinks they can somehow create a marketing plan. We have always operated on the basis of “A Business Approach to Marketing™”. This is very distinctive compared to 90%+ of our competition that don’t have marketing degrees or a business background, which impacts their ability to effectively serve clients. We identify goals upfront, and make sure that there is strategy and business reasoning behind our actions.
Q. Tell us more about your clients.
A. We serve law firms, CPAs, financial services firms, insurance brokerages and other professional services firms. Our clients include some of California’s most well-known firms as well as numerous smaller firms. In fact, since most of SoCal is comprised of firms from 1-25 professionals, that is our primary market. We also serve selected clients across the nation — work that has been gained due to our reputation and expertise.
Q. What are the typical needs that drive clients to your firm?
A. Normally it starts with the need for a marketing firm that can provide sound business strategy for a professional services firm. Clients want someone that truly understands their needs and can give good advice based on experience and education. Beyond that premise, clients typically come to us needing either to increase revenues, get a project done (like a website overhaul), or for our “Part-Time Director of Marketing™” service.
We often hear initial statements such as:
- “How can we market while maintaining cost-effectiveness?”
• “We need help in marketing strategy”
• “We need to increase our revenues and profitability.”
• “We are not happy with our existing PR/advertising firm”
• “Our website (or other marketing materials) is outdated”
• “We need to get our professionals involved in marketing”
• “We’ve tried _________ but it didn’t work (fill in the blank: advertising, PR, internet, direct mail, sales programs, etc.)”
Q. What services does your firm offer?
A. We offer a full range of high-quality services, virtually every marketing service that your firm might need. From the beginning, I developed many innovative concepts and techniques that are proprietary to my firm, including our unique “Part-Time Director of Marketing™”service. We also prepare Strategic Marketing Plans that provide a “road map” to guide marketing efforts. Our other services include marketing materials and graphic design, internet marketing, advertising, public relations, client relations, and business development training. We also provideStrategic Business Advisory Services, which include strategic planning and management consulting; clients appreciate the knowledge that I have gained through the decades which can help their practice to run more effectively.
Q. There are some PR firms and ad agencies who say that they can serve professionals. What else makes your firm stand out from the crowd?
A. Beyond what I’ve already mentioned, such as specialization, our clients tell us that there are several other traits that make my firm the one they want to hire. These include:
- Marketing Experience: As a true marketing professional with a formal education in marketing and a background of over twenty years of in-house and consulting experience, I can provide well-rounded guidance to any client. Most of my competition only has experience in a limited area of marketing.
- Business Experience: I’m a career businessman with expertise in marketing. This business expertise is critical to our success. My education and background with leading companies in banking, mergers & acquisitions, accounting and consulting was a great foundation. I now have over 20 years of running my own firm and serving hundreds of clients, which just adds more value to each new client.
- Strategic Insight: My firm offers an unmatched ability to blend strategy with the selection of marketing tools. This is a tremendous distinguishing characteristic. Our expertise is invaluable in helping clients to chart a course, track progress, and make adjustments along the way.
- Initiative: Our goal is to make life easier for our clients by taking care of all the details. They don’t have to educate us on marketing for professionals or tell us what to do. Further, our desire is to be actively involved in managing and implementing our clients’ marketing programs. We typically become a valued member of the client’s management team, especially for those clients who need our “Part-Time Director of Marketing™”service.
Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting is “…copied by more competitors across California and the nation than any other firm …”
Why does our competition try to copy Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting?
Simply because they know that we are the best at what we do.
In 1991, Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting was founded with the primary purpose of serving CPAs, lawyers and other professional services firms. From the outset, we developed numerous unique approaches that were gained from in-house experience (read about our history). Since that time, innumerable “marketing” firms across California and the nation have tried to copy us — but no one can duplicate our firm, try as hard as they might.
Of course, we realize that copying is the greatest form of flattery. Does it bother us? Sure, in that others try to take credit for concepts that we developed years before they were even in business. However, regardless of their best copying efforts, no one can copy our expertise, knowledge, experience and ability to deliver superior services!
Not to worry — most of our competitors come-and-go within a few years. Unfortunately, they often leave a bad impression of the marketing profession in their wake, as many of their previous clients grew dissatisfied and disillusioned with their inferior performance. Instead, we encourage you to seek assistance from “The Specialists in Professional Services Marketing™” — Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting.
How our competitors fail — miserably!
Search the internet and you’ll easily find dozens of firms who have copied our website and brochure content (which we developed years before they were even in business)! But these imitators’ websites are usually just words, not actual performance. Dig deeper — you’ll find that they CAN”T compete directly with us! You’ll likely see that these companies:
- Are not true marketing consultants— many lack a formal education in marketing and even more do not have the broad depth of experience required to be a true marketing consultant.
- Are often merely public relations firms (but they use the term “marketing” to suit their purposes).
- Are sometimes only advertising agencies (but try to pass themselves off as “marketing consultants”).
- Often can’t even define the term marketing — ask them!
- Are sometimes headed by individuals who never took a class in marketing (some don’t even have degrees in anything close to the field!).
- All too often they don’t understand the full scope of marketing — they actually only have expertise in one or two areas of marketing.
- Don’t really specialize in law firms, CPAs and professional services marketing. If they “say” they do, ask for a client list!
- Typically lack business management expertise. They come up with “pretty” marketing campaigns that don’t work in bringing in business. Ask if they have a degree in business management.
Don’t fall prey to the imitators!
Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting was founded in 1991 and offers credentials unsurpassed by few if any competitors across the country. Contact the best in the business and see how we can help!